Storytelling Studio・Stefan Morawietz

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My first professional work as a comic artist was published in 1995. Since then, I have created comic series, limited comic book editions, art postcards, paintings, illustration art, and cover designs. I am currently working on the graphic novel MONTAUK BOY. Many of my recent works are available as art prints and posters.

I started writing articles for magazines and blogs for websites in 2003, while I was still living as an expat in China. In 2012, I penned my first little (non-fiction) book, working on various short stories on the fly, which later became my first autobiographical novel in 2016. Since then I have been writing and publishing fiction and non-fiction books under my own label Urban Gorilla Books, that later - with expanding fields of productivity - became today’s Urban Gorilla Zone.

I am currently working on a noir novel trilogy with Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 already published) and a biographical piece about the British actress Carol Marsh.  

Click on the image for more information!   


After being an actor and a stuntman for more than 20 years, like many others, I was suddenly on my own during the pandemic. Left to my own devices, I created a little indie film with my old smartphone during the two lockdowns. 

The pretty weird result won three mobile film awards and can now be seen on Tubi, Popsy on Plex, Cineverse, and a number of other free OTT streaming channels in Europe and the US. Learn more on IMDb. 

Coming from a musical background of playing piano in various Jazz-, Pop- and Latin bands, I am now busy with composing and producing scores for my film- and webcomic projects. For the Original Soundtrack of my experimental smartphone film KUBARK click on the photo.

1st June 2024   Urban Gorilla Training!

An updated best-of collection of my German fitness & weight training blogs has just been released both as an ebook & a softcover edition on AMAZON.

10th May 2024 Finding Carol

Start of writing and filming a documentary art project about British actress Carol Marsh. The whole creative process will be exhibited to all members of my PATREON page.

26th April 2024 Comic Anthology Line Up

My comic short story EL CAMPANERO was chosen to be part of comics music anthology First pre-sale of Volumes 1 & 2  will be in summer 2024 on the LESSER KNOWN COMICS site.  

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Mobile: +49 151 2894 5885

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Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: Stefan Morawietz.  

© Copyright Stefan Morawietz

Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Wenn nicht anders vermerkt, liegt das Copyright dieser Website bei Stefan Morawietz. Insbesondere dürfen Nachdruck, Aufnahme in Online-Dienste und Internet und Vervielfältigung auf Datenträger sowie CD-Rom, DVD-Rom etc. nur nach vorheriger Zustimmung erfolgen. Grafiken, Sound, Text, Bilder, Animationen und Videos sowie deren Anordnung auf dieser Website unterliegen dem Schutz des Urheberrechts und anderer Schutzgesetze. Der Inhalt der Website darf nicht ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung kopiert, verbreitet, verändert oder Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden. Diese Website enthält außerdem Bilder, die dem Copyright Dritter unterliegen. Nicht kommerzielle Berichterstattung in Print und Onlinemedien mit Fotos, Grafiken und sonstigen Daten von dieser Website darf nur mit dem Nachweis © vervielfältigt oder verbreitet werden. Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehme ich keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt eventuell verlinkter Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.